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13 Jul 2017

FHR Anlagenbau was awarded a major contract by Manz AG for the delivery of inline coating technology for CIGS solar module factories and aims at strategic partnership to further develop thin-film technology

Manz AG relies on FHR Anlagenbau: Several sputter coating systems for the production of efficient CIGS thin-film solar modules will be delivered in 2018 and integrated into Chinese factories. This order is part of a large contract that Manz received in January 2017 from leading Chinese energy companies. The volume amounts to a low double-digit million figure.
Person gießt flüssiges metallisches Material auf eine Trägerfläche zum Bonden von Targets

Otten­dorf-Okrilla, July 13, 2017 – FHR Anla­gen­bau GmbH has been awar­ded by Manz AG (Reut­lingen) to deliver a num­ber of sput­ter­ing sys­tems for the man­u­fac­ture of high-effi­ciency CIGS thin-film solar mod­ules. The sys­tems are to be delivered in 2018 and com­mis­sioned in two fully integ­rated factor­ies in China. The lat­ter are part of the major orders Manz received in Janu­ary 2017 from two lead­ing Chinese com­pan­ies in the energy industry. The order volume is in the lower double-digit mil­lion range. The parties have agreed to keep the exact volume undis­closed.

At the same time FHR Anla­gen­bau GmbH aims at a stra­tegic part­ner­ship focused on fur­ther devel­op­ing the CIGS thin-film tech­no­logy together with Manz.

Tor­sten Wink­ler, gen­eral man­ager of FHR, stated: “Since our found­ing in 1991 we have con­sidered ourselves as pion­eers in vacuum pro­cess tech­no­logy for the depos­ition of a wide range of func­tional thin films. The spe­cial elec­trical, optical or other func­tional coat­ings are used today in many dif­fer­ent sec­tors. We can con­trib­ute our core com­pet­ence into the devel­op­ment part­ner­ship with Manz. Together we intend to fur­ther enhance the effi­ciency and com­pet­it­ive­ness of thin-film solar tech­no­logy in the photo­vol­taic mar­ket.”